Monday, December 28, 2009

End of a Year listed Goodbye Debris on their Top 20 EPs/Singles of 2009. Heres what they had to say:

Kitchener, Ontario's Mockingbird Wish Me Luck describes their songs here as "the heart of basement songs strung together through a lot of bad times" and I'm not sure I could do them more justice. The sounds contained here are reminiscent of small towns and cold nights, with melancholic post-hardcore arrangements with just-bright accents of hope and vocals the most gravelly you've heard since Frankie Stubbs stepped on the scene.

Incredibly flattered to be on a list that included John K. Samson, Small Brown Bike and the Lawrence Arms.

Also, props to our friends in Vicious Cycle, whose Pale Blue Dot record made the Top 20 list of Full-lengths. Buy it HERE

Finally, thanks to all our friends who came to see the show at the Wax on Boxing Day. You guys made the show worth playing.

Saturday, December 26, 2009







Thanks to Kevin for putting us on the show and Hamilton for coming to hang out.

If you haven't already, check out Kevin's band Vatican Chainsaw Massacre